Hypnosis & Meditation

So what is Hypnosis & Meditation?

Hypnosis is quite natural, it’s when your mind is in a relaxed state of total absorption, focused and alert.

  • During hypnosis you are not asleep, in fact your mind is more alert and suggestible than normal. You are completely absorbed in your 'inner world', a similar focus as to when you are reading a great book, totally engrossed and oblivious to the outside world. A relaxed state we go into quite often during our day in fact.

  • During a hypnosis session you are guided into a comfortable and relaxed state using different techniques, such as deep breathing and visualization. Then feeling more relaxed in both your body and mind, you can become more focused and open to suggestion.

  • By using your imagination and all of your senses you can then, with guided imagery and positive suggestion, create the changes you wish for.

  • You can't get 'stuck' in hypnosis or made to do anything you don't want to. The hypnosis during Hypnotherapy is not to be confused with stage hypnosis which although may seem similar is for entertainment purposes and is not the same.

  • Hypnosis is not some kind of magic wand, however results from hypnotherapy can sometimes be quite magical! Even so you do need to make the commitment to change and be willing to take an active role in achieving your goals.

What’s the difference between Hypnosis and Meditation?

  • In my opinion HYPNOSIS is a natural state of conscious awareness wherein we can learn to train and work with the mind. By using hypnotic processes we can change unwanted habits and behaviour. By practising certain techniques and using positive suggestion we can create our visions for the future helping us reach our goals and aspirations. All Hypnosis is basically self-hypnosis, a process that you can learn and as your Hypnotherapist I am your guide, teaching you and helping you to use the power and richness of your inner world for your benefit.

  • MEDITATION conversely is a way of calming and taming the mind, reducing the incessant chatter from the so called ‘monkey mind' and finding peace and tranquility within. Meditation is a valuable and powerful way to de-stress from our daily lives and connect with 'who we really are'. Depending upon your beliefs, through the practice of Meditation we can connect to our higher energies; our Higher Mind or Self/Source Energy/God/Soul etc. and from this important connection we can receive guidance, answers to our questions and inspiration for our lives.

  • GUIDED MEDITATION is engaging the imagination while in a relaxed meditative state by listening to the voice of a Meditation Guide and sits somewhere in between Hypnosis and Meditation.

